Latin American and Latino/a Studies Minor
Knowledge of Latin America and its people, including those in the U.S., is an essential part of a liberal education today. Latino/as now constitute the most populous ethnic group in the country. U.S. economic, political, and cultural relations with our Latin American neighbors from Mexico and the Caribbean to Central and South America continue to grow in importance.
Program Overview
The Latin American and Latino/a studies (LAS) minor is for the student who wishes to learn more about the fascinating history and diverse cultures of Latin America and the experiences of Latino/as in the United States. The minor complements most majors and professional programs, making a variety of career opportunities available.
Minors can participate in a number of study abroad programs. Visit for more details.
Why Study Latin American and Latino/a Studies at Grand Valley?
- Prepares students for an increasingly diverse world of peoples, cultures, religions, and economies.
- Is a gateway to gaining communicative and intercultural skills in a global economy.
- Provides Grand Valley students and faculty with study abroad opportunities and rich cultural opportunities, and opens the door to an exchange with Latin American students and faculty.
- Encourages student participation in Latin American and international student organizations on campus, and via internships in the West Michigan Latino/a community.
- Purely and simply, makes you a well-rounded person!
Career Insights
This tool shows an overview of potential career opportunities for this major. Actual salaries, employment opportunities, and job titles may change over time.
Location & Format
Undergraduate students in this program study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.
Format:- Face To Face
Students study a variety of subjects, including:
- Human rights
- Culture: music, dance, art, cinema, and literature
- Geography
- History and politics
- Model Organization of American States (MOAS)
- Latino/a society
Helpful Links
For More Information
School of Interdisciplinary StudiesLatin American and Latino/a Studies
117 Lake Ontario Hall
(616) 331-8110
[email protected]
“The Latin American studies minor blended with my interests and the courses covered a variety of topics. The minor worked well with my study abroad program and I feel it really contributed to my understanding of the history and cultures of Latin America and Latinos in the United States.”